Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kissaluvs Pocket Trainer Giveaway

Happenings of the Harper Household is hosting a Kissaluvs Pocket Trainer Giveaway.  3 blessed participants will each receive a pocket trainer courtesy of Kissaluvs!  The trainers are perfect for little tykes learning to use the loo!  They have side snaps for easy removal - very handy in case of an accident.  They have light absorbency to catch those little trickles that sometimes happen on the way to the potty.  AND, they have a pocket perfect for stuffing with more absorbency in the event of a nap, a car ride, or if you want to use it as a pocket diaper!  The available colors are blue, gold, brown (chocolate) and white...with dinosaur or bicycle interior.
Here is the link:  http://happeningsoftheharperhousehold.net/2011/05/kissaluvs-pocket-training-pants-review-giveaway.  The giveaway ends on 6/15 - so you'd best hurry!

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