Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Well, I had an encounter with a roach today.  Seriously.  Thankfully, it was no where near my baby girl.  But, it was in her stuff.  I dumped a full pail of dirty dipes into the washer and then saw a little roach crawl its little self right out of the pail and into the washer with the dipes.  Um...  Hubby?
Y'all should know my hubby - who is not for cloth diapering in the first place, and often voices his disbelief that I would want to undertake the washing of said diapers in the first place - searched that load of dipes for that little fellow so that I wouldn't have to!  He even said I could wash the dipes extra if it would make me feel better.  Now wasn't that sweet of him. LOL Gotta love it.

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